Summer Events in the Camden Amphitheatre

The Camden Public Library will again host a wide range of movies, concerts, and performances in the Amphitheatre! Click here to download the program of events.Our Summer Movies and Concerts are generously supported by Allen Insurance & Financial

Camden Movies in the Park

Music, Movies, and Shakespeare in the Amphitheatre!

JULY   Free concerts and movies. Bring your own lawn chairs for comfortable seating.
July 4, Saturday, 2:00-9:00 pm – annual Music-in-the-Park daytime concert hosted by Rotary, with Fireworks at the end!
July 6,  Monday, 8:30 pm – MOVIE:  Jurassic Park, 1993, 127 min,  PG-13
July 8, Wednesday-in-the-Park, 12:00 noon – CONCERT with Martin Gibson
July 9, Thursday, 7:00 pm – CONCERT with Midcoast Brass Quintet
July 13, Monday, 8:30 pm – MOVIE:  Harvey, 1950, 104 min, B&W
July 14, Tuesday, 7:00 pm – CONCERT with the Juke Rockets, blues
July 20, Monday, 8:30 pm – MOVIE:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1990, 94 min, PG
July 22, Wednesday-in-the-Park, 12:00 noon – CONCERT with David Dodson
July 27, Monday, 8:15 pm – MOVIE:   Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein,1948,  B&W,  83 min.

AUGUST   Free concerts and movies. Bring your own lawn chairs for comfortable seating.
August 3, Monday, 8:15 pm –  MOVIE:  The Truman Show, 1998, 103 min, PG
August 5, Wednesday-in-the-Park, 12:00 noon – CONCERT with Jim Gallant
August 10, Monday, 8:00 pm – MOVIE:  The Incredibles,  2004, 115 min, PG
August 12, Wednesday-in-the-Park, 12:00 noon – CONCERT with Alice Limoges
August 17, Monday, 8:00 pm – MOVIE:  Makeup date
August 20, Thursday, 7:00 pm – CONCERT with the Gawler Family in the Amphitheatre
August 21-22-23 – Civil War Encampment featuring Company B of the 20th Maine Infantry Volunteers in Harbor Park
August 23, Sunday, 1:00 pm – CONCERT with Quantum (Jason Dean and Mike Whitehead)
August 27, Thursday, 7:00 pm – CONCERT with Claudia Schmidt and Sally Rogers. This is a ticketed event; $12.

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