A Taste of Provence

Saturday, December 5th, 1-3pm – Open
Sunday, December 6th, 1-3 pm – Open

Class details:
The cuisine of Provence is very colorful and lively. Chef Michael’s culinary Tours to Provence delve into the heart of the cuisine from this inspiring region. Get a sneak peak into some the Provencal dishes that he prepares in this beautiful location. We’ll start off with a “Sous Vide” dish of Olive Oil-Poached Salmon with Roasted Peppers. Our stovetop smoker will make an appearance as we smoke tomatoes for a Smoked Tomato Soup with Fougasse, an amazing and beautiful Olive Bread to dip in the soup. For a main course, Chef Michael will demonstrate the art of ”Papillote” with his Sea Bream Tapenade Papillote (made with local Maine fish) and finish the afternoon with a stunning Pistachio and Apricot Torte.

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