Our Winter Deals are Newsworthy

Fodor’s Travel and Budget Travel published their picks for unique winter deals and we are proud to say that we topped both lists!  From our cozy, two-night Winter Play Your Way deal to our Icelandic Horse Trail-Riding Adventure, the press considers the Hartstone Inn to be THE winter destination at which to stay, dine, and discover.

Winter Play Your Way gives you the opportunity to explore the Camden Snowbowl.  Downhill skiing, cross country skiing, and snow shoeing through the well-maintained trails is an oasis of snow where the mountains meet the sea.  Camden Hills State Park is the perfect way to see the majesty of Camden, Maine.  Multiple trails wind through and inter-connect to take you to one beautiful vista after another.


Our Icelandic Horse Trail-Riding Adventure gets you up close and personal with these rugged sweet creatures, said to be the original Viking horse.  Experience what makes them special with one-on-one training at Pepper Hill Farm.

Check out our latest Spring Special Offers!